My Journey At Amal Academy

Ashar Ahmed
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


Assalam Alekum everyone. I am writing this blog to share my beautiful journey at Amal Academy.

Amal Academy is something, which I did for my own self. I got to know about Amal Academy through my classmates in NED. I observed remarkable changes in them. My FYP mate is the batch topper of the previous Amal batch, and he gives credit to Amal Academy for his job.

During the pandemic situation, I was in a state of inferiority complex, I had a negative thought that I lack communications skills. I wanted to join Amal Academy since my third year, but I wasn't selected. But finally, in my final year, I gave the interview with great passion and got selected for the next recruitment step.

I had my activity center with ma’am Yusra and the orientation session with ma’am Sahar. This was the moment, I realized that it was my best decision to join Amal because of these two great people. They kept on smiling through the session and tried to engage with all.

It was popping in my mind that how I will manage with new people and mentors. I remember Sir Zaki called me when I didn't even know him. We had a great conversation. Then Sir Zaki conducted an introductory meeting with all the fellows, the way he answered each question with examples really inspired me. I liked his personality and I excitedly told my friends, that I am lucky to have him as my PA. I also observed that all my fellows are like-minded and eager to grow.

I meet my Program Associate Ma’am Namra in my first session. She is really talented, down to earth and just a call away to help whenever needed. Zaki-Namra combo with these great fellows is one of the best things that happened in my life. I can’t forget that how Ma’am Namra appreciated my smile after coming from the breakout room.

I was really excited to engage with these people and luckily I had the brilliant minds as my first learning group. Although the learning group lasts for only two weeks. But, they are the people who helped me to grow. We motivated each other during the session to speak and after the session, we used to have discussions and we gave each other critical feedback.

This shows my excitements :D

These were not the only blessings I got from Al-mighty in Amal Academy. I was lucky to have Amina, Maha, Shahzaib, Mubashir, and Moiz as my mega circle members.

Our leader possesses great leadership qualities and the team was really hardworking. We had a great time together, we always supported each other in every circumstance. It is due to these people that our megaproject ‘To Keep that Heart Pumping’ is serving its purpose of social awareness.

The instance that impacted the most

I was having a great learning experience at Amal Academy. Then I got my first job. This was the instance I got more motivated towards Amal Academy because my job was my first professional experience. But, with the passage of time, I got the responsibilities of an acting shift in-charge responsible for 12 hr shifts. It was the time I realized that it is becoming difficult for me to manage, but I sacrificed my sleep. I slept three hours a day just to gain maximum out of Amal Academy.

The incident that made me think about myself

A day before the 18th session of Amal, I had my most difficult time at my job. I worked extra 2 hours even after my whole 12 hours night shift. I got too demotivated because somehow I have to give the answers about the fault which occurred in my shift. It was the first time I didn't participate in my Amal session. I just attended the session. After getting relaxed, I felt upset because despite having great progress throughout, I wasn't able to participate in the session.


These two incidents at my job and Amal badly affected me, I wasn't able to concentrate on anything. But my circle members supported me on work and many of my friends told me that you looked too good when you are smiling. This was the moment I realized that no matter how the circumstances are, we should always show positive reflection.

How I would have done things differently

I got pressurized at that moment. If such a thing happened again, I will try my best to manage things smoothly as possible instead of getting tensed.

Thankyou Amal Academy

Amal Academy is working great for me. I would like to thank each and every member who supported me and helped me in my growth. In the fellowship, I have learned a lot about productivity, time management, PASSENGER, business writing. And now I believed that I am no less. Amal Academy helped me a lot in knowing myself. Thankyou Amal Academy.

Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision, and change.



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