Fixing stuff around yourself

Ashar Ahmed
3 min readDec 18, 2020


A clean, tidy, and organized environment gives inner satisfaction to our souls. We all are busy in our daily routines and due to this, we are not able to manage the room we lived in.

There is a saying that “Keep your own house and its surroundings pure and clean. This hygiene will keep you healthy and benefit your worldly life”.

Thanks to AMAL, I am taking the initiative to clean my room, as a part of my project. As shown in the picture below, my study table is always messed up. After studying or after giving tuition I keep all my stuff there unmanaged and unorganized.

Table before fixing

Whenever I came home tired, I saw those messed up books, notes, stationery, registers, and documents on the table, it really feels unpleasant. Still, I didn’t manage to fix it because of my laziness.

Thanks to the project work assigned to me, finally today I have organized all the stuff and kept them in the appropriate place. Now my study table looks much organized, tidy, and clean and it gives me inner peace.

Table after fixing

If this task wasn’t assigned then I would have hardly done it. I wanted someone from my home to do it for me. I was never willing to do it on my own because I came home late and then after giving tuitions I start studying in this messed-up environment, without fixing the stuff.

There is a saying that “If you want to change something, start it on yourself”. I took the initiative to change by starting it from my room. This is a pure example of everyday leadership. If you want to be a leader first try fixing things around you.

In this case, I wasn’t authorized to do it. Anyone could have done that. But I stood as a leader, I took the responsibility to change, even I was not authorized to do it. This shows that I have practiced unauthorized leadership.

After cleaning all the stuff on my table, I am working on it and I can feel the satisfaction. Now, it looks really good and managed.



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